The Friday Show Presented By Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance: ‘We Haven’t Solved The (Aftercare) Problem’

When the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance was established in 2012 with seed money from The Jockey Club, Keeneland, and Breeders' Cup, one of its goals was to establish sustainable funding upwards of $20 million a year from a wide swath of the industry.

A decade later, TAA – which both accredits and funds aftercare operations throughout the country – has fallen far short of that mark in annual funding.

In this week's Friday Show, TAA operations consultant Stacie Clark-Rogers joins Ray Paulick and bloodstock editor Joe Nevills  to talk about the successes of the organization and the challenges it faces, both in real terms and perceptions that many people have about aftercare.

“We haven't solved the problem and a lot of people would like to think we have,” said Clark-Rogers, calling the issue an “Achilles heel” for the industry.

“What we're trying to do here is improve the life of the horse, improve the life of the sport, and improve the life of the business and the opportunity for us to work in this industry,” she said. “It's not a touchy-feely, cute thing, aftercare,  It's part of our business.”

Watch this week's episode of the Friday Show below:

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