Gessman: ‘Foxes Get To Guard The Henhouse’ With HISA Legislation

In a recent op/ed for the Northern Kentucky Tribune, president and chairman of the board of the National Horseman's Benevolent Protective Association Leroy Gessman revealed his misgivings about the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) currently making its way through the legislative process in Washington, D.C.

Gessman argues there are “too many unknowns” around HISA, which is financially backed by The Jockey Club and “its horse racing elite cronies.” The HBPA president worries that the bill will significantly alter the horse racing industry by shortchanging the sport's “small business backbone,” driving many out of business.

“The Jockey Club, and assorted business interests in technology and gaming, stand to make a lot of money if the industry is realigned (via HISA),” Gessman wrote. “That is one reason the bill creates a 'private-sector' governing body to be the Authority that will oversee the industry. What a deal. The foxes get to guard the henhouse. All the 'lesser players' in the industry have to do is accept what is mandated in this legislation.”

Read more at the Northern Kentucky Tribune.

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