Study: Do Laminitic Horses Move Differently, And If So, How Should We Shoe Them?

German researchers created a study to compare hoof loading patterns of laminitic and sound horses. They used 16 sound horses and ponies as controls, 17 animals that had recently recovered from laminitis and 21 animals that had recovered from laminitis 6 to 12 weeks before.

The scientists placed an instrumented boot on the horses and had them walk across a level, concrete surface with a pressure sensor.

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The sound horses bore the most weight (peak loading) at the toe during mid-stance; the laminitis horses showed peak loading at breakover, when the hoof goes from full loading to leaving the ground. Interestingly, the laminitic group did not show an increase in loading in the heel region; the middle hoof bore most of the weight in loading.

The study team concluded that laminitic horses should be shod with support focused on the middle of the hoof, frog and heel. They should also be shod with the intent to ease breakover, which should reduce loading of the damaged lamellae in the toe.

Read more at American Farriers Journal.

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