Kentucky Votes in More Humane Whip Rules

Kentucky became the second major racing jurisdiction in five days to vote in more humane whipping rules of racehorses.

The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission (KHRC) unanimously approved a new slate of whip regulations at its monthly teleconference meeting on Tuesday. The California Horse Racing Board had voted in more restrictive whip rules June 11.

A key aspect of the new KHRC rules includes a limit of six underhanded strikes per race with only two of those strikes allowed in succession before a horse has time to respond, just like in California.

But Kentucky will make an exception for whipping during the first furlong of a race “in a backhanded or underhanded fashion” without those strikes counting against the penalty limits.

Allowable uses of a riding crop will include:

* The riding crop being used at any time, without penalty, “if, in the opinion of the stewards, the riding crop is used to avoid a dangerous situation or preserve the safety of other riders or horses in a race.”

* Tapping the horse on the shoulder with the crop in the down position while both hands are holding onto the reins and both hands are touching the neck of the horse.

* Showing or waving the riding crop without contact with the horse and giving the horse time to respond before striking the horse.

Specifically prohibited actions are:

* Use of the crop with the rider’s wrist above helmet height.

* Use of the crop on the head, flanks, or on any other part of its body other than the shoulders or hind quarters.

* Use of the crop during the post parade or after the finish of the race except if necessary to control the horse.

* Excessive or brutal use of the crop causing injury to the horse.

* Use of the crop causing welts or breaks in the skin.

* Use of the crop if the horse is clearly out of the race or has obtained its maximum placing.

* Use of the crop even though the horse is showing no response.

Only padded/shock absorbing riding crops which have not been modified in any way may be carried in a race.

Riders using a riding crop in a manner contrary to the new rule will be subject to disciplinary action and monetary penalties that vary depending on the type of race in which the whip infractions occur and how many previous violations a rider has incurred.

In general, they fines are based on the percentage of the purse, and graded stakes races will be subject to lesser fine amounts. Scroll to page 6 of this document to see the full penalties list.

The rules passed by the full KHRC board Tuesday were the result of a set of measures crafted and unanimously approved  Monday by the KHRC’s joint rules committee and safety and welfare committee. Those two committees invited input from track officials, the Jockeys’ Guild, and the Thoroughbred Safety Coalition.

Mark Simendinger, chair of KHRC rules committee, said of Monday’s rule-crafting session that, “It was a long meeting, but I feel there was some pretty decent give and take there, which is what it requires to get an agreement. And I don’t know that I can really necessarily call this an ‘agreement.’ But we were closer to the middle than when we started, I’ll tell you that…. I’m looking forward to getting this in place. I think it’s a step forward for Kentucky racing.”

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