Catch Me If You Can: How To Capture a Loose Horse

There's nothing quite like the feeling that comes on when hearing cries of “loose horse!” on a sale ground, horse show, farm or trail. EQUUS magazine recently offered readers a few tips on what to do — and what not to — to help safely recover a loose horse.

Never chase a horse; this will only cause him to run faster. Stand still when he first gets loose to see if he will return to you on his own. If you're out with other riders, ask them to either stay still nearby or move slowly in one direction as a group. This may encourage him to rejoin his “herd.”

A loose horse on a trail ride often heads for home, whether that's his actual barn or where his trailer is parked. If the horse isn't readily found, a call to 911 is imperative if the horse is anywhere near a busy road. Loose horses often head to open, grassy areas. They also tend to go uphill and follow a trail or path. 

If the horse still can't be located, call police and sheriff departments and file a report. Notifying any park or facility authorities and local animal shelters is also helpful. A coordinated search effort may be necessary, including using search-and-rescue groups. Putting up posters of the loose horse and contacting farms even many miles from where you think the horse may be can also prove fruitful. 

Read more at EQUUS magazine

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