Champion Hurdle Cheltenham Festival Stats

Champion Hurdle Cheltenham Festival Stats

The Champion Hurdle at Cheltenham is a highlight of the racing calendar, attracting top hurdlers from across the UK and Ireland. To understand what it takes to win this prestigious race, let’s delve into the trends that have characterized past winners:

Age and Experience:

Most winners are aged between 6 and 8, suggesting that horses in this age bracket have the right mix of youth and maturity.
Betting Odds:

Favourites often fare well, with many winners being favourites or joint favourites.

Being in the top 3 in the betting is also a common characteristic of winners.
Recent Form:

Winners usually have won or placed in their last run before the Champion Hurdle, with most having won their last race.

It’s also typical for winners to have raced within the last 78 days, indicating that recent activity is beneficial.
Course Familiarity:

A history of running at Cheltenham is advantageous, with most winners having at least one previous run at the course, and many having secured at least one win there.

Distance Form:

Winners generally have multiple runs over the race distance, demonstrating their capability at this specific challenge.
Hurdle Form:

A strong track record over hurdles is important, with winners typically having several previous runs and multiple wins over hurdles.

A high rating is another indicator of a horse’s potential, with winners often rated 161 or higher.

Grade 1 Wins:

Success in Grade 1 races is a trend among winners, showcasing their ability to perform at the highest levels.

Season Form:

Consistent performance throughout the season is key, with winners usually having multiple runs and at least a couple of wins in the same season.
Future Form:

Winners of the Champion Hurdle often go on to succeed in their next races, with several winning or placing in subsequent events.


Age: 10 of the last 12 winners were aged between 6 and 8.
Price: 8 of the last 12 winners were favourites/joint favourites, and 9 were in the top 3 in the betting.
Last Run: 11 of the last 12 winners won or placed on their last run before the Champion Hurdle, with 10 winning on their last run, and all 12 running within the last 78 days.
Previous Course Form: 11 of the last 12 winners had at least 1 previous run at Cheltenham, with 8 having at least 1 win.
Previous Distance Form: 10 of the last 12 winners had at least 5 runs over 15-17 furlongs, with 9 having at least 5 wins.
Previous Hurdle Form: 9 of the last 12 winners had at least 6 previous runs over hurdles, with 11 having at least 4 wins.
Rating: 10 of the last 12 winners were rated 161 or higher.
Grade 1 Wins: 10 of the last 12 winners had at least 1 previous Grade 1 win.
Season Form: 11 of the last 12 winners had at least 2 runs that season, with all having at least 1 win, and 10 having at least 2 wins1.

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