State Gaming Commission Outlines Security Protocols For Belmont Stakes Day

The New York State Gaming Commission's equine medical director and all three stewards will be available to the media to address any events that occur during races on June 11, 2022, Belmont Stakes Day at Belmont Park in Elmont, N.Y.

At the conclusion of the day's races, Commission equine medical director Scott E. Palmer, VMD, and the three stewards – Braulio Baeza, Jr. (Gaming Commission), Dr. Jennifer Durenberger (The Jockey Club), and Brook Hawkins (NYRA) – will be available in the Belmont Film Theater after the post-Belmont Stakes winner's connections press conference to address media questions regarding any incidents, inquiries, objections, or rulings that occurred during any of the day's races.

Dr. Palmer will also be available to the media in the event of any on-track incidents during any of the day's races. If an equine incident occurs in any of the races, Dr. Palmer will be available following the conclusion of that race in his office (immediately adjacent to the press elevator in the basement of the grandstand). Dr. Sarah Langsam, the American Association of Equine Practitioners on-call veterinarian, will provide media support for NBC's coverage of the Belmont Stakes.

Security Protocols for the Belmont Stakes

Horses running in the Belmont Stakes are subject to continuous 72-hour “dedicated watch” by experienced security personnel leading to post-time. During a “dedicated watch,” one guard is stationed full-time for every horse programmed.

Security Protocols for the Metropolitan Handicap

Horses running in the Metropolitan Handicap are subject to “intensified watch” by a team of six-to-eight experienced security personnel conducting mobile surveillance and direct horse checks at least three times per shift, from 72 to 30 hours prior to their race. Then, a continuous “dedicated watch” will take place for the final 30 hours before post-time.

All guards employed for these protocols are experienced NYRA security personnel and racing investigators, who receive ongoing education from the Organization of Racing Investigators.

For all horses in the Belmont Stakes and the Metropolitan Handicap

Horses must be on the grounds of Belmont Park no later than 72-hours prior to their anticipated post time. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Stewards.

The Commission will obtain out-of-competition blood and hair samples of horses competing in these races and have the samples tested at the New York Equine Drug Testing and Research Program at Morrisville State College. The Commission has coordinated with other jurisdictions to obtain out-of-competition samples from horses not stabled in New York.

Once arrived, horses must remain at Belmont Park until after the running of their specified race. Exceptions will only be granted in the case of an unforeseeable emergency, as determined by the dedicated watch security in consultation with veterinarians and stewards.

Horses shall reside in their trainers' current barns and/or at stalls on the grounds, which are subject to monitoring by security personnel.

No horse entered in the Belmont Stakes or the Metropolitan Handicap may be treated within 72-hours of the race unless Commission security personnel are present. NYRA or Commission security personnel will monitor all treatments performed by veterinarians.

No administration of any medication or substance by dose syringe is permitted within 24-hours of a race.

All syringes and containers for administered medication will be retained by Commission personnel for possible testing.

Veterinarians shall submit a 72-hour treatment plan for each horse entered in the Belmont Stakes or the Metropolitan Handicap by noon on June 8, 2022.
Complete veterinary records for 72-hours prior to Belmont Stakes Day shall be submitted to the Commission, which will review and then publicly post the records to its website.

Entry-exit logs will be maintained by NYRA and Commission security personnel.
All persons – including veterinarians, trainers, assistant trainers, farriers, owners, or other connections – on entering the stall, engaging in contact with the horse, or performing any service for the horse, must have a valid Commission license on their person.

Such persons will be logged-in by security personnel, along with the reason for their visit. Routine stall and horse maintenance by identified grooms and staff will be monitored but are exempt from logging.

All equipment, feed, hay bales, etc. are subject to search and seizure by both NYRA and the Commission, as provided by law.

On race day, no treatments will be permitted for horses entered in any stakes race pursuant to NYRA policy, unless it is for an emergency or as approved by the stewards.

All horses participating in the Belmont Stakes and the Metropolitan Handicap must report to the assembly barn no less than 45 minutes prior to the designated post time.

On race day, blood samples for TCO2 analysis will be collected from horses in the assembly barn between 45 minutes to one hour before post time. Horses will then be escorted to the paddock.

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