7 Tips to Becoming A Smart Gambler – Part Two Of Two

Last time we spoke, I started to share with you my 7 tips to becoming a smart gambler. To recap, we went over three vital smart gambling tips-knowing the house edge, establishing a bankroll, and always taking possession of your money.

Today, I’ll continue on this great journey of ours. We all should strive to be smart gamblers. The last 4 smart gambling tips will fly at you fast, so get ready. And remember, these are just primers to get you started. If you’re super serious, you could go deeper. For instance, you could read an entire book’s worth of information on bankroll alone. Here are smart gambling tips 3 – 7:

3. Know thy game

Don’t play any casino game seriously unless you know it really well. It’s one thing to spend a few bucks while learning or just having fun, but it’s another to play it over and over without knowing the fine details of odds, strategy, etc.

4. Know more than one game

It’s fine to “specialize” in one game, but you should know two games or more well. There will be times when it’s smart to walk away from a game. Maybe your head just isn’t working well at that time or the game is too hot the wrong way.

5. Slots are for fun

Show me one player that’s played slots a ton and has won a lot and I’ll show you either someone that happened to get lucky by hitting a very large jackpot or a liar. Slots are for fun, not profit. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying them in doses, but don’t make this your main game.

6. A tip is a loss

This is for the guys and gals playing in the real world. It’s a common courtesy for players to tip good dealers or the cocktail waitress. This is fine, but it’s money lost, so you need to treat it as such. If you’re playing $1 Blackjack and you’re up $10 when the cocktail waitress comes around think for a minute. If you tip $1, you’ve just lost 10% of your profits. I’m not saying don’t tip, but you need to keep it relative. And all money out is money lost-good cause or not.

7. Love what you do

It doesn’t matter if Baccarat (House Bet) is the best bet in the house if the game bores you to tears. You’ve got to love what you’re doing. If not, you’ll get mentally lazy and that’s when money is lost for sure. Stick with your passions. And there you go. That’s 7 solid tips to becoming a smart gambler.


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