The Jockey Club Releases 2021 Breeding Statistics

The Jockey Club today reported that 1,303 stallions covered 29,065 mares in North America during 2021, according to statistics compiled through Oct. 6, 2022. These breedings have resulted in 18,609 live foals of 2022 being reported to The Jockey Club on Live Foal Reports.

The Jockey Club estimates that the number of live foals reported so far is 85-90 percent complete. The reporting of live foals of 2022 is down 2.2 percent from last year at this time when The Jockey Club had received reports for 19,021 live foals of 2021.

In addition to the 18,609 live foals of 2022 reported through Oct. 6, The Jockey Club also received 2,191 No Foal Reports for the 2022 foaling season. Ultimately, the 2022 registered foal crop is projected to reach 18,700.

The number of stallions declined 10.0 percent from the 1,447 reported for 2020 at this time last year, while the number of mares bred declined 2.1 percent from the 29,699 reported for 2020.

The 2022 breeding statistics are available alphabetically by stallion name through the Resources – Fact Book link on The Jockey Club homepage at

Kentucky annually leads all states and provinces in terms of Thoroughbred breeding activity. Kentucky-based stallions accounted for 57.8 percent of the mares reported bred in North America in 2021 and 61.6 percent of the live foals reported for 2022.

The 16,796 mares reported bred to 207 Kentucky stallions in 2021 have produced 11,460 live foals, a 0.7 percent decrease on the 11,535 Kentucky-sired live foals of 2021 reported at this time last year. The number of mares reported bred to Kentucky stallions in 2021 increased 1.9 percent compared to the 16,485 reported for 2020 at this time last year.

Among the 10 states and provinces with the most mares covered in 2021, four produced more live foals in 2022 than in 2021 as reported at this time last year: California, Ontario, Oklahoma, and Indiana.

The following table shows those 10 states and provinces sorted by number of state/province-sired live foals of 2022 reported through October 6, 2022.

  2021 Mares Bred 2021 Live Foals 2022 Live Foals Percent Change in Live Foals
Kentucky 16,796 11,535 11,460 -0.7%
California 1,939 1,253 1,303 4.0%
Florida 1,617 1,002 927 -7.5%
New York 953 649 576 -11.2%
Louisiana 931 631 570 -9.7%
Maryland 780 524 481 -8.2%
Ontario 653 359 402 12.0%
Pennsylvania 570 449 340 -24.3%
Oklahoma 528 271 293 8.1%
Indiana 503 192 231 20.3%

The statistics include 181 progeny of stallions standing in North America but foaled abroad, as reported by foreign stud book authorities at the time of publication.

Country Live Foals Country Live Foals
Argentina 7 Republic of Korea 3
Barbados 1 Libya 5
Dominican Republic 2 Mexico 11
Ecuador 1 Panama 2
France 6 Peru 1
Great Britain 13 Philippines 4
Ireland 44 Qatar 1
Japan 71 Turkey 9

The report also includes 50 mares bred to 19 stallions in North America on Southern Hemisphere time; the majority of these mares have not foaled.

As customary, a report listing the number of mares bred in 2022 will be released later this month.

The post The Jockey Club Releases 2021 Breeding Statistics appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report.

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