Haskell Stakes Diary: Patrick O’Neill on Hot Rod Charlie’s Belmont Performance, Haskell Chances

Patrick O’Neill, nephew to two-time Kentucky Derby-winning trainer Doug O’Neill and bloodstock agent Dennis O’Neill, had a different interest from most college kids when he was an undergraduate student and a member of Brown University’s football team. He insisted on adding TVG to the fraternity house’s cable television package; he was the one who watched horse racing at every opportunity, including in class, and in film study prior to practice.


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Cute Foals of the Week for June 14

In this final 2021 installment of Cute Foals, we bring you the best of new arrivals to the Thoroughbred world as the foaling season winds down. So sit back, relax, and take in our closing Cute Foals of the Week! Need cute baby horses in your life 24/7? Check out the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Foal Patrol for livestreams from some of the top farms in the country!  


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Cute Foals of the Week for June 7

In this weekly piece, we’ll bring you the best of new arrivals to the Thoroughbred world. So sit back, relax, and take in the Cute Foals of the Week for 2021! Need cute baby horses in your life 24/7? Check out the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Foal Patrol for livestreams from some of the top farms in the country!  


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Belmont Stakes Diary: Patrick O’Neill on Hot Rod Charlie’s Chances, Paying Good Fortune Forward

Patrick O’Neill, nephew to two-time Kentucky Derby-winning trainer Doug O’Neill and bloodstock agent Dennis O’Neill, had a different interest from most college kids when he was an undergraduate student and a member of Brown University’s football team. He insisted on adding TVG to the fraternity house’s cable television package; he was the one who watched horse racing at every opportunity, including in class, and in film study prior to practice.


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