Sound Check: Learn To Listen To Your Horse’s Lungs, And Know When To Call The Vet

The noises that can be heard when listening to a horse's lungs can offer a lot of insight into his health. Purchasing an inexpensive stethoscope and learning how to use it proficiently can help a horse owner or caretaker know when something may be amiss with his respiratory health. 

Practicing stethoscope use on a horse that is healthy can help horse owners know what is “normal.” To learn proper use, the horse should be placed in a quiet area away from excess noise. Place the stethoscope five inches behind and seven inches above the horse's elbow. Ask a helper to restrict the horse's nose so you can hear changes in lung sounds as the horse takes deeper and more shallow breaths.

Healthy lung sounds like gentle blowing, but this can be hard to hear between the horse's gut noises and heartbeat.

If you hear squeaking, loud noises over a large area or bubbly noises, call your veterinarian.

Read more at EQUUS. 

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