Ask Ray: Christmas Cheer And The Return Of Comments To The Website

It's been just over a fortnight since our publisher, Ray Paulick, in a fit of pique suspended reader comments on all stories at the Paulick Report. We told him it wasn't going to go over very well, and when he urged readers in the last episode of Ask Ray to send their opinions about this new policy, you flooded his inbox.

Well done!

Most of the emails were constructive, even understanding. But the overwhelming majority landed on the same conclusion: please bring the comments back.

Ray is usually not a very good listener, but in this instance we are grateful that not only did he read every one of the emails received, he actually comprehended some of them.

So along with our best holiday greetings – Merry Christmas to those who celebrate – we are very happy to announce that we once again are permitting comments on all stories. The only difference: rather than reviewing comments after they are published and deleting those that were offensive or had personal attacks, all comments are going into a moderation queue prior to publication and will be approved as quickly as possible. Please understand that we have a small staff with other responsibilities and will get to comments as quickly as possible, but there will be a delay between the time you share your words of wisdom and when they are published.

With that, we hope for 2021 to be a year of good health and happiness and a return to the relative normalcy we all enjoyed before the coronavirus pandemic turned our world upside down last March.

In this newest episode of Ask Ray, our publisher explains why the decision was made to reinstate comments. But no matter what he says, it's because we all miss Tinky … whoever he or she is.

The post Ask Ray: Christmas Cheer And The Return Of Comments To The Website appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report.

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