NHBPA, Industry Statements on HISA Decision

After Thursday's dismissal by a federal judge of the National Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association (NHBPA)'s lawsuit questioning the constitutionality of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA), the NHBPA issued the following response:

“Aspects of this law will have a devastating effect on our industry and put many hardworking horsemen and horsewomen out of business,” said National HBPA CEO Eric Hamelback. “We've been saying for several years that this legislation was illegal. We are considering our options to appeal the decision and remain committed to doing due diligence to ensure a legal solution that protects the health and welfare of our equine and human athletes is adopted.”

The statement continued, “In his decision, Judge Hendrix acknowledged his court cannot “expand or constrict” the precedents, which makes the ruling ripe for appeal. Judge Hendrix wrote, 'The Horsemen are correct that HISA creates a novel structure that nationalizes regulation of the horseracing industry…Although the Horsemen make compelling arguments that HISA goes too far, only appellate courts may expand or constrict precedent. This Court cannot.'”

National HBPA and affiliates in Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia and Tampa Bay are represented by the Liberty Justice Center, a national nonprofit law firm.

“We are encouraged that Judge Hendrix recognized the strength of our arguments and plan to push them vigorously on appeal,” said Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at the Liberty Justice Center. “Congress cannot cede its legal authority to regulate an entire industry to a private organization. This case remains important to protect the integrity of not only the horseracing industry but also our Constitution.”

The statement concluded, “HISA still faces a separate federal lawsuit challenging its constitutionality. That suit filed in Lexington, KY., was brought by the United States Trotting Association; the states of Oklahoma, West Virginia and Louisiana with support from six additional states; and other entities that include two racing commissions and the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association. In the best interest of horse racing, horsemen and horsewomen, we must continue to exercise our due diligence and see this through. The National HBPA appreciates the process. We believe Judge Hendrix has done deliberative, supportive work and has provided a path to move forward with our challenge.

 A number of state and industry officials also issued statements on the decision:

James L. Gagliano, President and COO of The Jockey Club:
The Jockey Club congratulates the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority and its counsel on the Federal Texas District Court's finding that the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020 is indeed constitutional.

For those long supporting the passage and implementation of the Act, this is a result we have long anticipated. To HISA Chairman Charlie Scheeler, CEO Lisa Lazarus, and the entire HISA team and its counsel, we express our gratitude for your continued dedication to the cause of equine safety and integrity in our sport. We look forward to HISA beginning the first prong of its programs to enhance our sport on July 1.

Marty Irby, Executive Director of Animal Wellness Action:
We applaud the court for validating what we knew all along, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act is in sync with the U.S. Constitution and intent of the Commerce Clause–some of the most brilliant legal minds in Congress, the animal protection space, and Thoroughbred horse racing prepared and vetted a bullet-proof measure that's now the law of the land.

It's time for the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority to swiftly implement the new law as intended and secure a contract with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to oversee all testing and enforcement so the eradication of doping can begin. We congratulate the Authority on this tremendous victory leading up to the running of the 148th Kentucky Derby.

U.S. Senate Repulican Leader, Ky Senator Mitch McConnell:
Kentucky's signature horseracing industry is a key part of our heritage and supports 24,000 workers across the Commonwealth. Working closely with sport leaders, horse advocates, and fans, Congressman Barr and I led the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020 to passage to promote safety and fairness across Thoroughbred racing, ensuring the sport's future viability. This legislation's advocates knew from the beginning that it was fully constitutional, and I am pleased the court agreed with our arguments, which I supported through an amicus brief. I congratulate the Horse Integrity and Safety Authority for their recent positive momentum, moving us all closer to a safer, better-regulated American Thoroughbred racing industry.

Ky Congressman Andy Barr:
The Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act was carefully and thoroughly drafted with an eye toward ensuring the Authority it created was constitutional in its structure and powers. Throughout the process Senator McConnell and I consulted with lawyers and relevant precedent to ensure the statute would survive any constitutional challenge. The fact that the Northern District of Texas has upheld HISA reinforces that due diligence. I look forward to seeing the Authority begin its programming this summer and the further advancement of the sport.

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Federal Judge Dismisses HBPA Constitutionality Suit vs. HISA

A federal judge on Thursday threw out a constitutionality lawsuit initiated one year ago by the National Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association (NHBPA) that was designed to keep the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) from going into effect on July 1, 2022.

“The Court recognizes that HISA's regulatory model pushes the boundaries of public/private Collaboration,” wrote United States District Court Judge James Wesley Hendrix in his Mar. 31 Northern District of Texas order. “The Court also acknowledges the dramatic change that HISA imposes nationwide on the Thoroughbred horseracing industry. But that change resulted from a decision of the people through Congress. And despite its novelty, the law as constructed stays within current constitutional limitations as defined by the Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit.”

The NHBPA lawsuit is separate from a similar HISA complaint over alleged constitutional issues brought by racing commissions and attorneys general in a number of opposing states. That case, too, has a motion to dismiss pending.

It was unclear at deadline if an appeal would be in the works. Eric Hamelback, the NHBPA's chief executive, declined an opportunity to comment when contacted Thursday evening by TDN.

Jim Gagliano, the president and chief operating officer of The Jockey Club, which has backed the implementation of HISA, emailed a statement to TDN that read, in part, “For those long supporting the passage and implementation of the Act, this is a result we have long anticipated … We look forward to HISA beginning the first prong of its programs to enhance our sport on July 1.”

On Mar. 15, 2021, the NHBPA and 12 of its affiliates sued the Federal Trade Commission, its commissioners, the HISA Authority, and its nominating committee members, bringing claims under the private-nondelegation doctrine, public nondelegation doctrine, Appointments Clause, and the Due Process Clause, seeking to permanently enjoin the defendants from implementing HISA and to enjoin the Nominating Committee members from appointing the Authority's board of directors.

The plaintiffs also sought declaratory relief, nominal damages for violations of their constitutional rights, compensatory damages for any fees the Authority charges them, and attorneys' fees and costs.

The FTC and the Authority defendants separately moved to dismiss the complaint Apr. 30. The same day, the horsemen moved for summary judgment on their private-nondelegation and due-process claims only, abandoning the two other claims.

Hendrix wrote that to declare as unconstitutional any Act of Congress that is adopted by the Legislative Branch and signed into law by the Executive Brach is “one of the gravest powers courts exercise,” and that the NHBPA's claims failed to meet the standards for doing so.

The judge's 60-page order continued: “HISA creates a novel regulatory scheme that pairs the expertise of a private, self-regulatory nonprofit entity with the oversight of the FTC. Although modeled on the longstanding and long-upheld self-regulatory schemes found in the securities industry and elsewhere, the parties agree that HISA breaks new ground. And while the private plaintiffs favor nationwide regulation, they allege that HISA's unconventional structure facially violates the private-nondelegation doctrine under Article I and the Due Process Clause.

“Their concerns are legitimate. But precedent requires only that the private entity function subordinately to the FTC, guided by Congressional standards. And it does: Only the FTC can give proposed rules the force of law and, even then, the FTC can only do so when both it and the private entity adhere to Congress's instructions. Given the current state of the law and the private entity's subordination to the FTC, the plaintiffs' challenge must fail.”

Hendrix wrote that, “The Horsemen allege many abstract constitutional harms but present only two possible concrete injuries”–financial injury arising from the payment of fees and an increased regulatory burden.

“First, the Horsemen fail to show a concrete injury arising from the payment of fees,” Hendrix wrote. “They allege that they will suffer either a direct injury by paying the Authority's fees themselves or, in the case of a state commission remitting fees to the Authority, indirect injury resulting from state racing commission fees that inevitably must increase if the state commissions pay Authority fees …

“At this stage, the Horsemen have not shown how the state commissions will react to HISA, so the alleged direct injury–the Authority charging the Horsemen fees–is not certainly impending.

“Likewise, the Horsemen fail to show an indirect financial injury arising from state racing commissions passing on increased fees to the Horsemen. If the state racing commissions choose to remit fees to the Authority, they will continue to collect fees from the Horsemen but then pass the fees along to the Authority. So irrespective of the state commissions' choices, the Horsemen will be subject to fees under HISA whether they are payable to the state commissions or to the Authority.”

The judge continued: “But the Horsemen offer no evidence that HISA will cause existing state fees to increase. And because, under HISA, state racing commissions no longer dictate medication control and racetrack safety regulation, they would have no need to finance those regulatory responsibilities. Accordingly, state racing commission fees may decrease. Adding Authority fees to a decreased rate may not raise the Horsemen's total financial burden beyond what they currently pay. As of now, there is no evidence detailing the amount of fees the Authority will charge.

“In sum, it remains unclear whether the Horsemen will be required to pay fees to the Authority. Even if they are not, it is uncertain whether state racing commissions will increase the fees the Horsemen owe. Thus, any financial injury is 'speculative' at this stage.”

Hendrix wrote that “no one disputes that the Horsemen will be the 'object' of regulations adopted under HISA…” But, he added, beyond the presence of impending regulation, “The Horsemen must show an 'imminent,' concrete injury to challenge the statutory scheme under which they will be regulated.”

Hendrix wrote that “So far, the defendants in this case have done nothing to 'aggrieve' the Horsemen because the Horsemen are not yet subject to any Authority rules. And the proposition that [an] increased regulatory burden typically satisfies the injury-in-fact requirement does not necessarily apply to HISA because the Horsemen allege few facts about their current regulatory burdens.”

Hendrix acknowledged the NHBPA's argument that the HISA statute itself “renders the FTC a rubber stamp because the FTC has no pre-existing expertise in horseracing and only has 60 days to review proposed rules.”

But, the judge explained, this abnormality “is not fatal. While the Horsemen's concern is understandable–the parties agree that the FTC lacks pre-existing expertise in Thoroughbred horseracing–neither contention presents an adequate legal basis on a facial challenge to hold that FTC review will automatically prove meaningless.”

Hendrix also wrote that, “Congress has not given away its legislative power under Article I nor violated due process because the Authority does not possess unrestrained and unreviewable power to regulate.”

The judge continued: “The Horsemen also argue that the standing committees–which provide advice to the Board–are infected with self-interest, but their argument fails for similar reasons.

Four of the seven members of both committees must be independent and subject to the conflict-of-interest provisions. Only one of the remaining three members may own a covered horse, while the other two industry members must represent other 'equine constituencies. Both standing committees, however, are subject to the Board's oversight, which, in turn, is subject to FTC oversight.

“Therefore, no single Authority member wields 'coercive power” over others,” Hendrix concluded.

To sum up the dismissal, the judge wrote, “The Horsemen are correct that HISA creates a novel structure that nationalizes regulation of the horseracing industry. But they cannot escape the reality that HISA satisfies the current, low thresholds created by Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit precedent.

“Although the Horsemen make compelling arguments that HISA goes too far, only appellate courts may expand or constrict their precedent. This Court cannot. And under current frameworks, HISA stays within constitutional boundaries,” the order stated.

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NJ Commission ‘Politely Declines’ to be HISA Middleman

The New Jersey Racing Commission voted 6-0 Wednesday not to act as a middleman on behalf of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) by collecting fees from state licensees that will eventually fund the yet-to-get started authority's drug-testing and safety initiatives.

The decision was hardly a surprise, and it yielded zero public discussion among commissioners prior to the perfunctory vote.

It had seemed unlikely that the NJRC would be the first regulator in the nation to willingly craft a complex set of rules and set up a payment-collecting process from scratch to fund a work-in-progress ruling body whose July 1 start date looms in the shadow of two federal lawsuits aiming to get HISA voided on constitutional grounds before its programs even go into effect.

Judith Nason, the NJRC's executive director, said at the Mar. 23 meeting that the HISA Act authorizes its authoritative body to impose fees on “covered persons” to pay for anti-doping and safety programs, and that those fees will be calculated on a yet-to-be-determined, proportionate, state-by-state basis depending on how much racing takes place in each state.

Also under the HISA law, Nason said individual state racing commissions may elect to collect the HISA fees from that state's industry participants and then remit those fees to HISA. But if a state commission wants to opt in on that process, she added, it has to notify HISA by May 1.

Nason noted that it would be up to each opting-in state to come up with its own method of assessing and collecting fees from licensees. And since New Jersey currently has no statute, rule or contact in place that spells out that process, the commission would have to go through the difficult work of proposing its own system—which would never happen in time for the May 1 opt-in date, based on how long it takes to get rules passed in New Jersey, Nason added.

Nason told commissioners prior to the roll call that the NJRC staff recommended that the commission vote not to collect the fees. The vote was then unanimous to follow that recommendation.

Although the commission's vote doesn't change a thing in the way it does business, the NJRC now at least has it on the record that it didn't want to be the bill collector for a program that is being opposed by several other state racing commissions and the National Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association in two similar but separate lawsuits.

No New Jersey commissioners articulated their views on what might happen in the near term regarding HISA. But Nason did shed some light on the process when prompted during the public commentary portion of the meeting after the vote.

“It's really up to HISA to figure out how they want to assess the racing industry. And the question for the NJRC was whether we wanted to insert ourselves in that process. And we politely declined,” Nason said.

Responding to a follow-up query, Nason added that it's unlikely New Jersey licensees will be hit up twice at some point in the future to pay for drug-testing costs (as in having to pay once to the NJRC, then again to HISA during the same time frame).

“Pursuant to state statute, the NJRC can assess permit-holders for our racing costs,” Nason explained. “When HISA gets up and running, once they take over an issue such as the anti-doping and medication control program, they will be able to bill the racing licensees for their costs, and the NJRC will be pre-empted—we will not be able to bill. So it will be a shift from the permit-holders paying us to however HISA wants to collect those fees directly from the racing industry.”

Fall dates swap

The NJRC also voted 6-0 to approve the change of two 2022 Thoroughbred dates from the Meadowlands to Monmouth Park.

What would have been the final two programs of the all-turf Thoroughbred meet at the Meadowlands (Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28 and 29) got swapped out for two additional Sundays at Monmouth (Sept. 11 and 18), the latter of which will be the new closing day of the meet. The request was made by Monmouth's management.

Thoroughbred racing at those two Jersey tracks will get a nine-date boost this season compared to 2021.

Monmouth's opening day is May 7 for the 62-date meet. The nine-date Meadowlands grass meet begins Sept. 23.

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National HBPA Issues Statement on FTC Approval of HISA Safety Rules

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved the rules and accreditation standards that comprise the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority's (HISA) Racetrack Safety Program on Friday.

The National HBPA issued the following statement on Saturday:

“The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Thursday, March 3, 2022, issued an order approving without exception all the racetrack safety regulations propounded by the Horseracing Integrity & Safety Authority (HISA). The rubber-stamp order accepted without issue all of the proposed rules as well as acceptance of the Authority's responses to the comments submitted by industry participants.

The order recognized that many of the comments by industry stakeholders were useful and constructive to improve the rules. Yet, the FTC refused to disapprove any rule, nor did it direct such constructive changes be incorporated prior to approval. Instead, the FTC took the position that it would welcome future proposed rule modifications that the Authority decides to submit in response to comments received.

This FTC order makes crystal clear that this private entity of self-appointed rule-makers (i.e., The Authority) has unfettered power without governmental oversight to control the horseracing industry.

The illusion of governmental supervisory control was clearly dispelled with the FTC approving all of the Authority's proposals without exception. It also demonstrated that this private entity will make the rules without regard to the constructive comments of industry stakeholders.

The FTC's order affirms the significant concerns expressed in pending litigation that such a delegation of control is unconstitutional and that the input of those closest to the horseracing industry is no longer relevant.”

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