Letters to the Editor: Ed Martin, President, Association of Racing Commissioners International

For well over a year, we have been told that the HISA Act was legally bulletproof and within the parameters of the US Constitution. According to a unanimous decision of a three judge panel from both political parties issued last week, such assertions may not be so.

The ARCI has not taken sides in this legal dispute, although some of our member agencies have as there are serious issues involving States rights, taxation without representation and commandeering that are at stake. The final outcome of the legal process may not be known for quite some time, creating an uncertainty for everyone involved with thoroughbred horseracing.

Conflicting legal opinions will determine what happens next in the individual States.

Some States, like California, will honor a written agreement they have executed with HISA to enforce their racetrack safety rules. Other States, upon the advice of counsel or Attorney General, will revert to state rules that remain on the books, not wanting to jeopardize the outcome of a court challenge to any enforcement action.

Not all states have written agreements. Many have sent letters informing HISA as to what they will or will not do. Those can be withdrawn or modified at any point if a State believes it's a roll of the dice as to whether enforcement actions will hold should the current ruling stand.

Last Friday, most US racing commissions participated in an emergency meeting convened by the ARCI. The commissions have and continue to work with HISA and HIWU representatives in a cooperative effort. While that will not change it should not be assumed that there are no concerns or limitations as to what an individual commission may or may not do.

What happens next is unknown and there currently is a storm cloud hanging over regulatory actions taken by HISA. It is not unreasonable to expect that those sanctioned for HISA crop rule violations will go to court as there now is reason to question the legality of the HISA Act itself.

We are but a few weeks away from when HISA plans to take over the anti-doping and medication control enforcement.  That's huge and state regulators are concerned about whether a HISA drug violation levied after January 1, 2023 is valid if HISA itself is not legal.

Most State Racing Commissions believe the HISA Act is in need of modification to restore the financial, operational and rulemaking transparency and accountability this industry has now lost with the private entity. In addressing this Congress can eliminate the legal problems as well as mitigate the enormous cost about to be levied on the thoroughbred racetracks, owners, and horsemen. I was on a panel in August with Lisa Lazarus and proposed that HISA and its proponents get “everyone” in a room and reach an agreement in order to make this work to avoid the mess we are now in.

We should all be working together to salvage the many good things that can come out of this. But that might require an amendment to the HISA Act or short-term delay. Some people refuse to even consider that.

There are many who believe the current animosity of the US political divide is killing the country. We should not let that happen to this great sport.

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Q and A With Constitutional Law Expert Lucinda Finley

The latest tumultuous turn in the unfolding saga of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) was delivered in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Friday, when the court ruled the law unconstitutional because it cedes too much governmental authority to a private entity, and too little rule-making input to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is charged with ultimately signing off on the law's rules.

In the immediate aftermath of the decision, three legal experts weighed in for the TDN on the legal avenues open to HISA, besides asking for a stay on the ruling. They include seeking an “en banc” hearing before the full Fifth Circuit panel of judges, possibly taking the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, or a Congressional re-write of the rules to afford the FTC greater input in the rule-making process.

Another important date for HISA's near-term future looms on Dec. 7, when a case that raises similar constitutional questions of the law is scheduled to be argued in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

To discuss these issues more closely, the TDN spoke with Lucinda Finley, Frank Raichle Professor of Trial and Appellate Advocacy, and director of Appellate Advocacy at the University of Buffalo Law School. In her work as a litigator and appellate advocate in federal courts, Finley frequently testifies before the U.S. Congress and state legislative committees. She has also argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Intriguingly, Finley–sister of TDN writer Bill Finley–believes Friday's ruling is legally binding only in the three states under the Fifth Circuit's jurisdiction.

Finley's interpretation mirrors that of Bennett Liebman, a legal scholar routinely cited in the TDN, but runs counter to what has been to date the overarching response to the ruling, which has been to regard it as nationally applicable.


TDN: Were you surprised by the Fifth Circuit decision?

Finley: No, I wasn't for several reasons. First, the Fifth Circuit is probably the most conservative group of circuit court judges in the country. The conservative judges that have been appointed in the last few years are known to be hostile to broad regulatory schemes.

Second, I wasn't surprised because I think it's actually a very close legal question–whether the HISA statute gives too much rule-making authority to the private entity.

On the law, I think the ruling makes many important points that perhaps the HISA statute went too far in giving too much authority to the private entity and not enough regulatory authority to the FTC.


TDN: Does the Fifth Circuit ruling apply nationally, or just to the states under their jurisdictional umbrella, i.e., Louisiana, Texas, and…?

 Finley: …Mississippi.

It has binding legal effect only in those three states. However, it will have important precedential impact on courts in other states, including the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals that is considering a case raising the identical constitutional issues.


TDN: Yes, how does that case in the Sixth Circuit affect things?

Finley: We don't know until the Sixth Circuit rules. If the Sixth Circuit were to disagree with the Fifth Circuit and conclude that HISA is constitutional, we will have two different federal courts saying the exact opposite about the constitutionality of a federal statute.

In that event, the U.S. Supreme Court would be very likely to agree to hear the case and come up with one uniform national ruling on whether or not HISA is constitutional.


TDN: What would happen if they ruled in unison?

 Finley: The same way as the Fifth Circuit? That might make it less likely that the U.S. Supreme Court would agree to hear the case.

[The Supreme Court] is most likely to take a case when there are conflicting decisions in different U.S. Courts of Appeals because they realize you really can't have the federal law be completely different in some regions of the country compared to others. If the U.S. Courts of Appeals are in agreement, the Supreme Court sees that there is no uncertainty about the federal law that they need to resolve.


TDN: In Friday's TDN, various legal experts discussed two main legal routes available to HISA, including to seek an “en banc” hearing before the full Fifth Circuit Court, or to take the case to the Supreme Court. Which do you think is the likeliest scenario?

Finley: I think that, first, the HISA lawyers are likely to ask the Fifth Circuit panel of judges, the three that decided the case, to stay the effective date of their decision to give them time to pursue further appeals. I think it is unlikely that the panel of Fifth Circuit judges will grant a stay. They were very, very strong in their conclusion that HISA is unconstitutional.

In that event, the HISA lawyers could ask the U.S. Supreme Court to stay or suspend the effective date of the Fifth Circuit decision to give them time to take an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Whether the Supreme Court would grant that stay is, I think, something nobody can predict. Nobody has a crystal ball in that one.

It is certainly a worthwhile and likely step for the HISA lawyers to seek first in the Fifth Circuit itself and then in the US Supreme Court a stay of the effective date of the decision, just to give more time for appeals.

Then they could seek what's known as an “en banc” review where they ask all of the judges of the Fifth Circuit to consider the case. I think that's a real long shot that the judges would agree to. I think it would just delay the timing of trying to get to the U.S. Supreme Court.

However, an advantage of seeking the “en banc” review is, if it is granted, that suspends the effective date of the panel decision. When the entire court, sitting what we call en banc, agrees to rehear a case, it has the effect of wiping out the panel decision. If the Fifth Circuit were to grant that request for en banc review, it would mean that HISA was back in business, at least until the entire Fifth Circuit ruled.

The next step after that would be to take it to the U.S. Supreme Court and ask them to agree to hear the case.


TDN: Let's step back a step. As you stated earlier, the Fifth Circuit ruling applies only to those states within its jurisdiction. Why have quite a lot of other people considered it nationally applicable?

Finley: I don't know why somebody would think that. There was no injunction in this Fifth Circuit decision, meaning they haven't issued an order stopping anyone from doing anything. There's nothing in the order itself that says it has national effect.

The traditional rule is that a U.S. Court of Appeals decision only is binding in that circuit, otherwise, there wouldn't be 11 different Federal Circuit Appeals Courts if the ruling of one would affect the whole country. You would basically just have one huge U.S. Court of Appeals that made decisions for the whole country. That's not the structure of our Court of Appeals federal system.

As I said earlier, it certainly has a powerful precedential effect. I think it means that it would be very unwise for HISA to continue with its regulatory program in other states because of the risk of constantly being sued. Everyone will cite the Fifth Circuit decision. [But] saying that it might have persuasive impact on judges in other parts of the country is different from saying that it is automatically legally binding on judges in other parts of the country.

For example, to show you why it's not binding in the whole country, as we noted, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is about to hear a case raising the same issues. The Sixth Circuit is free to disagree with the Fifth Circuit.


TDN: What way does the Sixth Circuit Court lean?

Finley: They are a more mixed court. They have a more equal number of judges appointed by Democratic presidents and Republican presidents. I think, in the Sixth Circuit, it's really going to depend on which three judges are assigned to hear the appeal.


TDN: Do you see HISA as being in some kind of legal jeopardy nationwide, moving forward, if they continue to issue rulings?

Finley: Yes, I do. With the Fifth Circuit having said they think the entire statute is unconstitutional, anyone who gets an investigation or ruling from HISA would most likely file a lawsuit asking the court to issue an injunction against HISA, investigating them or nullifying the ruling, making the exact same argument that all their rules are unconstitutional, and citing to the Fifth Circuit decisions.


TDN: Does this also apply retroactively to all rulings that they've issued since July 1?

 Finley: Court decisions usually do not apply retroactively. [But] people still have the right to appeal the decisions that have been made against them, and to challenge them in court. They can, now, raise the argument that the whole statute is unconstitutional, and as I said, ask the judge to agree with the Fifth Circuit.

As the Fifth Circuit itself said, in its ruling, “Without the constitutional right to even make the rules, HISA's enforcement and investigative powers are null and void.” So, I would think anyone who is a subject of a HISA investigation, or ruling against them, will now go to court and make the argument that they can't enforce their rules because their rules are unconstitutional.


TDN: So, from everything that you've laid out, if no stays are issued on the Fifth Circuit ruling and it goes into effect on Jan. 10, and the Sixth Circuit makes some kind of ruling that mirrors the Fifth Circuit ruling, theoretically, you could see a potential scenario whereby HISA is nullified in those jurisdictions—the states that fall under the Fifth and Sixth Circuits—but is in effect in states beyond that?

Finley: Potentially. I expect that the legally prudent thing for HISA to do right now is to suspend their investigations and enforcement of their rules until the constitutionality of the statute is sorted out, perhaps in the Supreme Court, or until they convince Congress to amend the statute to fix the problems that the Fifth Circuit found.


TDN: Do you think that's the easiest route, a congressional rewrite of the rules?

Finley: Easy? None of the routes are easy. But, I think it is the route that is likely to have the most success in saving the goal of national rules for racing.

The reason I think that is because there's a very strong chance that if the Supreme Court did take the case, they would agree with the Fifth Circuit and say that HISA is unconstitutional because it gives too much governmental rule making authority to the private body. Congress could easily fix that by giving the FTC more authority to change, add to, delete, or reject the proposed rules that HISA develops.

Since HISA itself had such strong bipartisan support, and two of its biggest champions in the House and the Senate are Republicans from Kentucky who understand that preserving the public perception that horse racing is kind to horses and has integrity is essential to preserving the entire breeding and racing industry. I think there's a chance that, fairly quickly, Congress may want to fix the problems in the statute. It's not the kind of issue that's going to get caught up in partisan politics.


TDN: You think there's the political will right now to do this?

Finley: What will it take to of reignite the fire in Congress? Just one more fatal breakdown of a horse that maybe should have been on the vet's list, but it was in a lax state. One more drug scandal. That's all it's going to take for Congress to say, “Maybe we better go back to the drawing board and save this national structure.”

What do you think are the odds in horse racing that over the next few months there'll be one more fatal breakdown of a horse that probably should have been on the vet's list, or one more drug scandal?


TDN: What are some of the broader implications if the case does eventually end up at the Supreme Court, with its current make up?

Finley: This current court has signaled that there are at least four, perhaps five, justices who would like to curtail the power of regulatory agencies, broadly. This case could present a vehicle for them to do that, to cut back not only on the ability of agencies to use private bodies that have expertise to help them develop their rules, but potentially to cut back on the rule making authority of regulatory agencies, in general.

Potentially, even if the court were to simply cut back on the ability of regulatory agencies to use the expertise of private advisory bodies, that would have major implications because many regulatory agencies do call on expert advisory bodies to develop their rules and policies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The [Food and Drug Administration] convenes expert panels of scientists to assess the safety, or risks, of various drugs. The Medicare and Medicaid agencies often, in some states, look to experts from the health insurance industry to help them determine reimbursement rates and policies.

There are all kinds of examples throughout our entire regulatory system where agencies rely on private expertise. If the Supreme Court takes the case, it would really be about much more than just HISA.


TDN: Who would've thought that horse racing would be positioned in this way.

Finley: That's a very interesting observation.

It could become the vehicle for altering a lot of our current federal regulatory law, but in particular, the branch of it involved in this case, which is a somewhat obscure but important doctrine known as the Private Delegation Doctrine. In other words, “When can a federal governmental agency delegate some of its ability to make rules to a private, i.e., non-governmental, entity?”

As I said, it would have implications in securities exchanges, in pharmaceutical product regulation, in financial regulation, in healthcare regulations.


TDN: Where does all this lead for HISA?

Finley: It may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory [for the plaintiffs]. If your whole argument as to why HISA is unconstitutional is that it doesn't give the FTC bureaucrats enough authority to set your rules, guess what's going to happen? FTC bureaucrats will now have the authority to set your rules instead of people that are much more receptive to your concerns.

   [Industry stakeholders] get a lot more input and flexibility in making adjustments from HISA–as we've already seen–than they will from some federal bureaucrats at the FTC in Washington who will say, `Oh, you don't like our rules? Go sue.' And the case will take five years. I don't think the FTC would be nearly as open and receptive to being so flexible with stakeholder concerns.

So, be careful what you wish for.

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If HISA Goes, Honest Horsemen Will Be The Losers

The National HBPA and its affiliates got their wish Friday. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that the Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) is unconstitutional. As a result, HISA is on life support and very well could be finished. Within hours of the decision being announced, the National HBPA was taking a victory lap, declaring that this was a win for horsemen across the country.

“Today's ruling shows the HISA regulations are not in the best interest of thoroughbred racing's participants and, as Judge Doughty noted, will cause harm to the participants,” National HBPA CEO Eric Hambelback said in a statement.

That's what Hamelback and anti-HISA forces have been saying all along, while never really clarifying what potential harm would be caused by HISA. They fail to acknowledge that horse racing has a serious integrity problem and the cheaters are winning. HISA is designed not to hurt horsemen, but to rid the sport of its worst actors and in the process protect the overwhelming majority of owners and trainers who play by the rules.

Have we learned nothing from the FBI investigation and the subsequent arrests of Jorge Navarro, Jason Servis and more than two dozen others?  According to the indictments, Servis and Navarro gave virtually every horse in their barns performance-enhancing drugs and did so for years. They won with 30% of their starters not because they were superior horsemen but because they, allegedly, had potent drugs at their disposal.

Servis and Navarro operated under a system where state racing commissions were in charge. They were never caught and never were going to be. It's been proven that the racing commissions do an inadequate job and are helpless to catch the bad guys. That's because with most, the primary tool at their disposal is post-race drug tests. The same tests that never come up with anything more serious than overages of therapeutic medications. With hundreds of undetectable drugs available, it's far too easy to beat the system. Yet, the National HBPA is essentially saying they are fine with the status quo.

HISA was set to replace the old system with a new one under the watch of the Horse Racing Integrity and Welfare Unit, which was going to go well beyond drug testing and have some actual teeth. The plan includes working with 5 Stones Intelligence, which played a large role in the investigation that caught Servis and Navarro.

“The Horse Racing Integrity and Welfare Unit is also building their own internal capability, their own internal investigations team, which is very strong and is going to include some well-known and well-established faces,” HISA CEO Lisa Lazarus said. “I think probably why you ask the question, and it really resonates with me, is that you want to know if the new program is going to be very much intelligence and investigations based. It's not going to be based solely on conducting a whole lot of tests. If you look at all the top-end programs in the world, equine and otherwise, you'll see that the successful ones that really deliver integrity to their sports rely heavily on investigations. That's great. What 5 Stones has uncovered over the past couple of years has really changed this industry for the better. They truly have. They have certainly done a terrific job and we're lucky to have them as part of the sport.”

If HISA can't find a way to reverse the decision that declared it unconstitutional, we will go back to the old way of doing things, with state racing commissions leading the way while failing to do job of adequately policing the sport.

HISA was never going to wipe out all cheating in the sport, but it represented a huge step in the right direction and was sure to make it a lot tougher to break the rules. HISA was going to look out for the same people, HBPA members, who were robbed of purse money every time Jorge Navarro won a race, cheating hundreds of owners and trainers. Who's looking out for them now?

“It is the duty of the National Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association to protect horsemen across the country and that is not a responsibility I take lightly,” Hamelback said after the court decision.

He's right. But that means doing everything possible to ensure there is a level playing field and that HBPA members who play by the rules are never at a competitive disadvantage. That should be priority No. 1. If the National HBPA truly wanted to “protect horsemen across the country” then it would be backing HISA, not trying to undermine it.

Why Flightline Has My Horse of the Year Vote

Turf writer Gary West sent in a blistering letter to the editor to the TDN last week in which he wrote that he would not vote for Flightline (Tapit) for Horse of the Year because he did not want to reward his owners after they had retired him after just six career starts.

He wrote: “Whenever owners yield to avarice and whenever they focus on the sales ring rather than the racetrack, the sport shrinks a little more. And horse racing will continue to shrink into insignificance if its leaders, or so-called leaders, will not sacrifice their personal interests for the sport's good. That's why I cannot and will not vote for Flightline.”

West makes a valid point and the rush to retire racing's stars is bad for the sport. That means you can be unhappy with the ownership group but not that you should penalize the horse.

Though he raced just three times during the year, Flightline's accomplishments embody what it means to be the Horse of the Year. He was brilliant and dominating and he captivated the sport like no horse has done since Secretariat. As most would have done if they were in the same position, the owners opted to cash in on the millions coming their way from a stallion career. That's a shame but it is also the reality of what horse racing has become in the modern era. And it takes nothing away from what Flightline accomplished. He will be a very deserving Horse of the Year.

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Court Decision On HISA Creates Chaos

By Bill Finley & Dan Ross

The bombshell decision Friday out of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that ruled that the Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) was unconstitutional has opened up a pandora's box of problems and had legal experts scrambling to make sense of the opinion and figure out what is the best path forward for HISA after a resounding setback in court.

“We have a chaotic situation right now,” said attorney Alan Foreman, an expert in equine law and the Chairman/CEO of the Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association. “That's probably the easiest way to describe it. HISA is still in effect, the anti-doping program is anticipated to go into effect on Jan. 1 and now we have a court ruling that declares HISA unconstitutional. And there are still legal maneuvers that can take place. It would have happened regardless of who prevailed at this level because it is clear that the HBPA, its affiliates and those who joined in the lawsuit would have taken it further if there was an adverse ruling. Now it is HISA that has to take it to the next step.”

According to Frank Becker, a private Kentucky-based attorney, the next step for HISA will be to either petition the Supreme Court to take the case or to seek an “en banc” hearing before the Fifth Circuit. Friday's ruling was handed down by a panel of judges, while an en banc hearing would require the case to be heard by the full circuit court.

The Supreme Court hears oral arguments in fewer than 100 cases a year, but Becker thought the court might take this case.

“They might take this one because it's so unusual,” he said.

Foreman agreed.

“When you have different circuits issuing different rulings as has been the case with this those cases often ultimately end up in the Supreme Court,” he said. “I think this case will ultimately wind up with the Supreme Court and a lot of people feel that way. I think they will take the case. It's got to get there first and there has to be a reason for them to take the case, but what has happened so far has set the stage for them to take it.”

Attorney Bennett Liebman, a Government Lawyer in Residence at Albany Law School, said it was a tossup as to whether or not the Supreme Court would take the case, but said that if it does there are far from any guarantees that the court will rule in favor of HISA.

“This has never been a case from the HISA standpoint that you want to end up in the Supreme Court because the court is obviously very conservative and you just don't know how they are going to rule on this,” he said.

In the meantime, Foreman said, HISA will have to get a stay. Otherwise, it will have to disband on Jan. 10 when Friday's ruling goes into effect.

“Unless there is a stay HISA has to stop in its tracks,” Foreman said.

Foreman said he didn't see a problem getting a stay. Becker disagreed and said he is skeptical HISA will succeed in getting a stay on the ruling in the interim.

Liebman added that there is another way for HISA to prevail. The Fifth Circuit ruling was based on its findings that HISA is ultimately in charge and not the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). “But the Authority is not subordinate to the FTC,” the ruling read. “The reverse is true. The Authority, rather than the FTC, has been given final say over HISA's programs.”

Liebman suggested that HISA could go back to drawing board and ask Congress to rewrite the legislation so that the FTC is clearly put in charge.

“The obvious solution is to try to get Congress to remedy what the Fifth Circuit thought was the problem, that the FTC does not have enough power,” Liebman said. “You could make sure that the FTC had significant power over the rules of the Authority. They could in effect make the rules. They could take recommendations from Authority, but still but make the rules. That is the way to go, but can we achieve that? The way the government works these days, I don't know.”

Becker didn't see that happening.

“Have you seen Congress at work lately?” he said. “Congress is going to be in chaos for the next year or so.”

All three attorneys agreed that the plaintiffs picked the right court when deciding to take their case to the Fifth Circuit.

“It's the Fifth Circuit, which is an extremely conservative circuit, even more conservative as a general rule than the Supreme Court,” Liebman said. “In that sense, this decision is not surprising coming out of the Fifth Circuit. The judge (Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan) who wrote the decision is ultra conservative.”

Said Foreman: “The experts thought it was constitutional and now it has been declared unconstitutional. I suspect that has something to do with the Supreme Court and this whole focus on the federal government versus states rights. The one circuit that would have reversed the decision and declared it unconstitutional is this circuit. That's why they went there.  They were the ones most likely to declare it unconstitutional. The plaintiffs brought this case to the Fifth Circuit for a reason. They know this partuclar court has been very, very anti-government and very anti-regulation.”

In the days and weeks ahead, the industry will no doubt hear more from HISA and its plan of attack. But Friday was not a good day for the Authority. Can it survive and what will it take to do so? Amid the chaos, that appears to be anyone's guess.

The post Court Decision On HISA Creates Chaos appeared first on TDN | Thoroughbred Daily News | Horse Racing News, Results and Video | Thoroughbred Breeding and Auctions.

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