Annamarie Phelps to Step Down as BHA Chair

British Horseracing Authority Chair, Annamarie Phelps, CBE, will not seek a second term in the role and will step down from the BHA Board at the conclusion of her term in May. Phelps will be replaced by BHA Independent Non-Executive Director, Joe Saumarez Smith. He will begin his new role once Phelp's term is up and will stay in that position until the end of his own term in September of 2023.

Annamarie Phelps said, “Following discussions with the Board of the BHA I have decided not to extend my time as BHA Chair beyond the end of the current term.

“This is a very important time for racing, with the recovery from the pandemic and the imminent publication of the Gambling Act Review White Paper both still very much on the sport's agenda. A significant review of the BHA is also underway, which will ensure that the BHA is future-proofed, efficient and has sufficient resource to serve racing's needs.

“We are at a key stage of discussions around a new governance structure that will provide clarity on the BHA's role as governing body and regulator.

“I am therefore delighted that I have been able to develop the following core principles with the BHA shareholders prior to my departure:

“Firstly, recognition that the BHA Board will maintain responsibility for both regulation and governance matters with an additional responsibility for leading the strategy for industry growth on behalf of our shareholders. That it will retain the same level of independent representation as at present, in line with governance best practice. Alongside this, we have agreed that the tripartite decision-making structure will be reviewed.

“There is much to do over the next three months to ensure these measures are fully and firmly in place for my successor before I step down, which I hope will provide a more appropriate, democratic and effective decision-making structure for the future.

“It has been a great privilege to lead the BHA during this challenging period for the sports sector, and to have recruited a fantastic CEO in Julie Harrington. I am immensely proud of what racing has achieved collectively in this time.

“I want to thank the amazing BHA team for navigating the pandemic and for keeping the show on the road behind the scenes, a role that is rarely acknowledged. It is a remarkable achievement that no fixtures were lost to Covid once British racing had become the first major sport to resume following the initial 2020 lockdown.

“We have also dealt successfully with some serious and complicated ethical and integrity matters that have set important precedents for the future, laid the foundations for greater diversity and inclusion across the sport, enhanced the industry's educational resources and safeguarding provisions and further increased our focus on the welfare of our horses and our people; all of which are essential to the sustainable health and prosperity of racing.

“I want to thank all those who have welcomed and supported me over the last three years, in particular those racecourses, trainers, owners, jockeys, stable staff and breeders who have shared their insight, aspirations and opinion, both here and overseas. I have loved the people, the racing and especially the horses.”

Joe Saumarez Smith said, “On behalf of the BHA Board, I would like to express my thanks to Annamarie, who has brought a broad perspective from other sports to the BHA Board table. During her time as Chair, she has laid the groundwork for significant change across the industry in a number of areas, and helped us navigate a series of challenging issues, not least the coronavirus pandemic and the BHA's own governance. The agreement of a number of core governance principles is potentially a defining moment for the industry. I look forward to continuing to work with Annamarie until the conclusion of her term.”

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UK Jockey Weights To Rise

The three-pound COVID allowance for riders will be replaced with an across-the-board two-pound rise in the published weights, the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) confirmed on Monday. In addition, the current three-pound back protector allowance will be raised to a general four-pound safety allowance for jockeys. These changes will go into effect for races staged from Monday, May 2, following further discussions with the Professional Jockeys Association (PJA), National Trainers Federation (NTF), and a number of Flat and Jump jockeys. Horses will continue to carry the same weights that they have been carrying since the COVID allowance was introduced as an emergency measure in June of 2020. In race cards, the published weight will increase by two pounds.

Richard Wayman, Chief Operating Officer of the BHA, said, “I would like to thank the many people from within the weighing room who have spoken with us in recent weeks. This process has allowed us to consider further concerns which did not feature as part of the initial consultation.”

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Revised Safeguarding Measures For British Racing

The British Horseracing Authority has announced revised safeguarding measures for British racing focused on protecting the sport's most vulnerable participants. They are:

  • Leadership: Embedding a culture of safeguarding across British racing, with the BHA Board championing safeguarding throughout our values and priorities;
  • Governance: Establishing a strong governance framework to support our safeguarding arrangements by ensuring BHA Board members and staff are clear about their responsibilities and regulation is consistent with legislation, government guidance and good practice;
  • Prevention: Taking all reasonable steps to create an environment where it is as difficult as possible for any abuse, exploitation or mistreatment of children and adults at risk to take place;
  • Protection: Promoting and protecting safety and welfare by working with stakeholders to strengthen our safeguarding arrangements and to share good practice across the sport;
  • Empowerment and education: Committing to raise safeguarding awareness and empowering all participants to identify and report concerns.

These revised measures will sit alongside the BHA's Safeguarding Code Of Conduct.

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Weighing Room Covid Test Requirement Waived

British racing has dropped mandatory Covid-19 testing for weighing room entry effective Thursday, following the change to self-isolation rules in England. Access to the weighing room will continue to be restricted to essential personnel.

British Horseracing Authority Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Jerry Hill said, “Throughout the pandemic, we have endeavoured to make evidence-based decisions that protect our people and safeguard the industry against Covid-19-related disruption. In recent months, testing for weighing room personnel has been a crucial part of this strategy and I'd again like to thank everyone for their continued patience and cooperation. Changes to self-isolation rules, together with promising signs in infection data, enable us to bring forward an end to mandatory testing, although testing on a voluntary basis is still recommended. As emphasised previously, Covid-19 still exists, so please continue to do what you can to reduce your own risk and prioritise the health and livelihood of others.”

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