New Jersey Harness Trainers Cry Foul Over Change In Bute Rules

Harness trainers in New Jersey say they didn't receive proper warning about a rule change pushing withdrawal timeframes for phenylbutazone from 24 to 48 hours pre-race. According to a report from Harnesslink, a cluster of harness trainers have gotten overages for bute but they say the Standardbred Breeders and Owners of New Jersey was never notified of the rule change.

The state's harness horsemen say that Thoroughbred horsemen did receive proper notice of the rule change.

The New Jersey Racing Commission's website has not posted any new proposed rules since 2019, although it does provide an option for the public to sign up to receive email notifications of new proposed rules and rule adoptions.

First offense for a bute overage now includes a $500 fine, loss of purse and up to a 15-day suspension from racing.

One trainer questioned why, if he had been properly noticed of the change, he would have permitted his veterinarian to administer the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory inside the prohibited window.

Read more at Harnesslink

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