Letter To The Editor: Arizona Racing Is At A Critical Crossroads, And Its Commission Is Unprepared

Arizona horse racing needs a phoenix to rise from our current ashes….

The last few days I've had discussions with numerous individuals in the Arizona horse industry, all of which pertained to the current state of horse racing in Arizona. Almost all have asked — what happened?

So much has happened, or perhaps is not happening. First let's look at the Arizona Racing Commission. In my opinion the current commission is made up of individuals who don't understand the industry that they oversee, lacking the knowledge and skills to ask the questions that need to be asked. Nor do they seem to be able to do a deep dive into a question and answer. This is not any fault of their own. They simply lack experience and knowledge. In this industry you need to know who the honest players are and aren't. You need to invest the hours walking the backside and visiting the farms because you need to know the answer before you ask it at a commission meeting.

We've gone months with no real answers. Questions sit in limbo. We are now at critical dates. The railing at one of Arizona's tracks needs repair/replacement. Experts tell me it takes two to three months for the new railing to be delivered and another one to two months to put into place. That takes us to early November. That is doable but the railing must be ordered soon. One of our tracks had various problems with equipment breaking down. Now is the time that someone needs to either be working on the equipment or ordering replacement equipment.

We have another track that had its deal to sell fall through. So many questions with no answers to those who have invested heavily in racing in Arizona based on approved permits.

The commission needs to understand what powers they have and how to use that for the greater good of the sport. They need to know if they can revoke permits based on failures to provide answers/agreed resolutions and following through on live dates. Their job is to know if the OTBs can be placed into receivership should they revoke all current permits in order that OTB money can still be generated for future purses. They should know if a horse can run with or without horseshoes.

At this critical time, I would expect the commission to clear their calendar and hold weekly meetings to address what many see as an emergency for Arizona horse racing. Failure is not acceptable because we have the ability, the powers…we just need the commission and director of racing to desire saving horse racing in Arizona.

Will they prove to Arizona horsemen & women that they have that desire?

Rory S. Goree'
Former Arizona Racing Commissioner


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