How to make up to $5000 extra each month playing online poker.

Did you know that you might be paying up to $10,000 rake each month playing online poker, over and over again? I knew I paid rake while I played but not that it could be this much! The most fantastic thing is I was able to get back up to 50% of this amount each month! This is something I didn’t have a clue about until I found out about something called rakeback. Then what does this strange word rakeback mean?

“Rebate/repayment to a player of a portion the rake paid by the player, normally from a non-cardroom, third-party source such as an affiliate.”

I’m not a professional poker player and I don’t play much either but with 30% rakeback I made over $300 my first week playing online poker, all I did was playing $200 No-Limit a few hours each day!

30% rakeback means that I get back 30% of all rake I’ve paid. Rake is a fee taken by the house. This fee is usually 2-4% of the total pot, to a maximum of $3.

Signing up for a rakeback deal didn’t take me more then a few minutes, and best of all! It didn’t cost me anything.

For a more in depth examination of rakeback and rakeback deals. – Rakeback


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