Delaware Stewards Issue Summary Suspension Against Cobb, Alleging A Host Of Rule Violations

On Sept. 10, Delaware stewards summarily suspended embattled trainer Amber Cobb, citing a lengthy list of violations of Delaware regulations. Per Delaware rules, summarily suspended licensees have three racing days in which to appeal the summary suspension; a hearing held during this time would deal only with whether the summary suspension will be ongoing, pending a disciplinary hearing to deal with evidence of rules violations. A disciplinary hearing would follow separately.

Cobb came under scrutiny this summer, when a former employee filmed two incidents between Cobb and a young filly on a training center in New Jersey and brought the video to Delaware stewards as evidence of improper or inhumane treatment of a horse in violation of Delaware rules. Stewards handed Cobb a two-year suspension for the incident, and Cobb appealed that ruling. Her suspension was later reduced to 60 days by the members of the Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission.

Read more about that appeal hearing, and see a video of the incident in question here.

The 60-day suspension issued by the commission is scheduled to end Sept. 20.

Below is the text of the Sept. 10 ruling, listing the rules the stewards allege she has violated. Cobb is denied access to commission grounds, pending a hearing on the summary suspension. Past or contemplated conduct or utterance which, does or may adversely affect, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and whether in fact or only seemingly, the public's confidence in the reputation Thoroughbred racing heretofore has enjoyed in Delaware for stringent adherence to uncompromising standards of honesty, integrity and propriety.

18.3.1. Based upon the report and advice of the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau premised upon its investigation and/or information available to it from governmental or other investigative sources or, based upon their own investigation and determination, either the Commission, the Stewards or the Licensee may bar or eject any person, permanently or for a lesser period, from Licensee's grounds or any part thereof who, by reason of his or her past or contemplated conduct or associations is, or would be, in any direct or indirect way detrimental to the continued maintenance and promotion of high standards for honesty, integrity and propriety in all Thoroughbred racing conducted in Delaware. Drug addiction, public drunkenness, financial irresponsibility or failure to pay debts when due, bad moral character, intemperate habits, bad reputation for honesty, truth and veracity, past instance of lying, cheating, or stealing, or involvement in a subject of public notice as involved in any activity which, would be inconsistent with the best interests of racing by reflection on the honesty and integrity of the sport of racing, or association with persons so characterized.

2.5 Grounds for Refusal, Suspension, or Revocation of a Permit.

2.5.1 The Commission in its discretion, may refuse to register or to issue an authorization or permit to an applicant, or may suspend or revoke a registration, permit, or authorization previously issued, or order disciplinary measures, on the following grounds. Denial of a license, permit, authorization or registration to an applicant, or suspension or revocation of such, in another racing jurisdiction at any previous time. Failure to comply with any order or ruling of the Commission, Stewards, or Racing Official pertaining to a racing matter. Intoxication, use of profanity, fighting, or any conduct of a disorderly nature, on Licensee's grounds. Employment or harboring of unauthorized persons required by these Rules to register or have a permit or authorization. Possession on Licensee's grounds by a person other than a licensed Veterinarian of: Hypodermic needle, or hypodermic syringe, or other device which could be used to administer any substance to a horse. Cruelty to a horse or neglect of a horse entrusted to a permittee's care.

7.3 Duties and Responsibilities:

7.3.1 A registered Trainer shall bear primary responsibility for the proper care, health, training, condition, safety and protection against administration of prohibited drugs or medication of horses in his charge.


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