Poker Players: Smart Players And Suckers

No one can really tell the way their game is, if it is good or not. But the streak of wins and losses can give a pretty good idea on that. To determine whether a play is perfect or not or to find out just how the perfect player would play poker, you must first look at the player itself.

In a poker player’s evolution there are three important phases. First they are novices. Being a novice means you are fairly new and don’t know much about poker, no matter what you may think. The problem with novice players is that they can remain in this stage forever. Because evolving means some effort and they are just not ready to make that effort. Novice players play too many cards, they don’t know the strategy or worse, they know it but can’t decide when to apply it or wrongly apply it. Novice players lose most of the times. The next stage is called the booksmart player stage. A booksmart player is a player that read a lot about poker and he is currently discovering that he should play fewer hands, he should apply strategy and this way he is making some money. Then, after passing through this stage a player climbs up to the expert category or the situational expert stage. When in this stage, you can even play more hands than a booksmart player does without loosing.

Being in the final stage is ideal. Almost any player that takes the time to learn or read a thing or two about poker can easily get to be a booksmart player, but from that point to the final stage the road is long. Poker is a interesting game because the gap between how good you hand is in comparison with the hand of you opponent is inverse proportional to the money amount you will win from that hand .if your hand is just a little bit better than you opponent’s then the cases are that you will make a lot of money, much more than when winning over a hand much lower than yours. Or if you are just about to lose because of the little gap between you too, you will probably make a lot of money if you do win. Basically beating them barely makes the profits. So to make a lot of money, hands that aim just that are over-played by the situational experts. This in not a thing that can be learnt from books and it takes courage and perfect understanding of odds to pull it off.

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